Wave Modeling: simple 2D model

Before starting to work with wave modeling/migration/inversion we must have at least two things:

  1. velocity model

  2. geometry

Velocity model is a Geo Volume object. It may be read from SEGY or be prepared using Python/Julia interface.

Geometry is either H5Seis object or SEGY files. It includes at least Source/Receiver positions (XYZ coordinates). Geometry may be generated using Seismic module under Geometry section. It is pretty straightforward.

In this tutorial we will use Python interface to build model and generate geometry.

2D velocity model building

Let’s start from setting initial data to build model with two horizontal layers:

from h5geopy import h5geo
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import scipy.ndimage
import colada
import slicer
import os

# to be able to open hdf5 container in HDFVIEW
os.environ["HDF5_USE_FILE_LOCKING"] = "FALSE"

# setting output directories
out_vol_dir = colada.Util().defaultGeoVolumesDir() +'/'
out_seis_dir = colada.Util().defaultSeisDir() +'/'
out_volcnt_name = "model_2D.h5"
out_vol_name = "model_2D"
out_vol_name_smooth = "model_2D_smooth"
out_geomcnt_name = "geom_2D.h5"
out_geom_name = "geom_2D"

SPATIAL_REFERENCE = h5geo.sr.getAuthName() + ":" + h5geo.sr.getAuthCode()
ANGULAR_UNITS = "degree"
DATA_UNITS = "km/s"

# model params (x,z)
o = (0,0)
d = (12.5,12.5)
n = (300,100)
n1 = int(round(n[1]/3)) # first reflector depth
n2 = int(round(2*n[1]/3)) # second reflector depth

# velocities for the layers
v1 = 1.5
v2 = 2
v3 = 2.5

# is used to smooth velocity model
smooth_radius = 20

Most of this should be pretty understandable The most important here is model parameters like size n of the model, origin o, spacings d. v1,v2,v3 define first, second and third layer velocities respectively. smooth_radius defines the number of points per axis to apply filter to the model to get smoothed velocity model.

Second step is to create velocity model represented by numpy array. In our case the model is very simple:

x = np.arange(o[0],o[0]+d[0]*(n[0]-1),d[0])
z = np.arange(o[1],o[1]+d[1]*(n[1]-1),d[1])

data = np.zeros(n[::-1]) # reverse `n` so the `data.shape = [nz,nx]`
data[:n1,:] = v1
data[n1:n2,:] = v2
data[n2:,:] = v3
data_smooth = sp.ndimage.uniform_filter(data, smooth_radius)

# flip Z axis as h5geo stores volumes in low-to-high direction (origin is lower left corner)
# also make the order layout to Fortran (h5geo works with column oriented arrays)
data = np.asfortranarray(np.flip(data,0), dtype=np.float32)
data_smooth = np.asfortranarray(np.flip(data_smooth,0), dtype=np.float32)

The most important here is to understand which direction correspond to wich axis. If we work with 2D model then numpy array should be of shape [nz,nx]. data is our model (numpy array). data_smooth is smoothed model. Here is the trick: Colada uses origin as lower left corner of the model. Thus we need to flip z axis.

Also it worth to notice that h5geo works only with 1D and 2D Fortran memory ordered arrays and the writable data usually stored as float32.


Pay attension that we will alway use Fortran memory layout when working with h5geo. And don’t forget to cast data to 1D or 2D array of float32.

The last step is to create H5Seis object within seismic container and write the generated model:

p = h5geo.H5VolParam()
p.spatialReference = SPATIAL_REFERENCE
p.lengthUnits = LENGTH_UNITS
p.temporalUnits = TEMPORAL_UNITS
p.angularUnits = ANGULAR_UNITS
p.dataUnits = DATA_UNITS
p.domain = h5geo.Domain.TVDSS
p.orientation = ORIENTATION
p.X0 = o[0]
p.Y0 = 0.0
p.Z0 = o[1]-d[1]*(n[1]-1)
p.dX = d[0]
p.dY = 1.0
p.dZ = d[1]
p.nX = n[0]
p.nY = 1
p.nZ = n[1]
p.xChunkSize = 64
p.yChunkSize = 1
p.zChunkSize = 64
p.compression_level = 6

# create Geo Volume container
volcnt = h5geo.createVolContainerByName(
if not volcnt:
  raise RuntimeError(f"Unable to create Volume container: {out_volcnt_name}")

# create Geo Volume object (H5Vol)
vol = volcnt.createVol(out_vol_name, p, h5geo.CreationType.CREATE_OR_OVERWRITE)
if not vol:
  raise RuntimeError(f"Unable to create Geo Volume: {out_vol_name}")

# write the data to Geo Volume
status = vol.writeData(data.ravel(), 0,0,0,p.nX,p.nY,p.nZ, DATA_UNITS)
if not status:
  raise RuntimeError(f"Unable to write data to Geo Volume: {out_vol_name}")

# create Geo Volume for smotthed model
volsmooth = volcnt.createVol(out_vol_name_smooth, p, h5geo.CreationType.CREATE_OR_OVERWRITE)
if not volsmooth:
  raise RuntimeError(f"Unable to create Geo Volume: {out_vol_name_smooth}")

# write smoothed data to Geo Volume
status = volsmooth.writeData(data_smooth.ravel(), 0,0,0,p.nX,p.nY,p.nZ, DATA_UNITS)
if not status:
  raise RuntimeError(f"Unable to write data to Geo Volume: {out_vol_name_smooth}")

# add geo volume container to treeview

# don't forget to close h5geo (hdf5) objects
del vol
del volsmooth
del volcnt


h5geo objects hold reference to h5gt object wich is hdf5 wrapper. It is extremely important to close these objects right after you’ve done working with them (delete variable is one of the possible ways). If file is opened and HDF5_USE_FILE_LOCKING=TRUE then this file will be unavailable for other processes. If HDF5_USE_FILE_LOCKING=FALSE then you are risking to break the file if its content is modified from another process.

The variable p is used to create new H5Vol object. Almost all its fields are self descridable.

X0,Y0,Z0 define origin (in legth units). dX,dY,dZ are spacings aling X,Y,Z axes respectively. nX,nY,nZ are dimensions. orientation is orientation around Z axis.

Chunking is important for IO perfomance. In this case we are trying to imitate ZGY format using chunking equal to 64. compression_level is used to compress the data.


Geo Volume must not contain zeroed or negative spacings (i.e. it must have dX,dY,dZ > 0). Also nX,nY,nZ must be > 0.

Velocity model visualization

Generated model should be visible in Geo Volume treeview.

Load Geo Volume. The picture should be similar to this one:

Colada velocity model 2d

Geometry for 2D model

There is no need to write the algorithm for calculating geometry. It is already done in h5geo.

So we start by setting the initial data for geometry:

# timings
nSamp = 800
sampRate = -2.0

# geometry
src_x0 = 1500
src_dx = 100
src_nx = 8
src_y0 = 0
src_dy = 0
src_ny = 1
src_z = o[1]

rec_x0 = 0
rec_dx = 50
rec_nx = 61
rec_y0 = 0
rec_dy = 0
rec_ny = 1
rec_z = o[1]
moveRec = True

Then we simpy fill H5SeisParam fields to create new H5Seis object within seismic container and call the function generatePRESTKGeometry to generate PRESTACK geometry:

# h5geo parameters to create new H5Seis object
p = h5geo.H5SeisParam()
p.spatialReference = SPATIAL_REFERENCE
p.lengthUnits = LENGTH_UNITS
p.temporalUnits = TEMPORAL_UNITS
p.angularUnits = ANGULAR_UNITS
p.dataUnits = "psi"
p.domain = h5geo.Domain.TWT
p.dataType = h5geo.SeisDataType.PRESTACK
p.surveyType = h5geo.SurveyType.THREE_D
p.nTrc = 100
p.nSamp = nSamp
p.srd = 0
p.trcChunk = 100
p.stdChunk = 100

# create Seismic container
geomcnt = h5geo.createSeisContainerByName(
      out_seis_dir + out_geomcnt_name,
if not geomcnt:
  raise RuntimeError(f"Unable to create Seis container: {out_geomcnt_name}")

# create H5Seis object
geom = geomcnt.createSeis(out_geom_name, p, h5geo.CreationType.CREATE_OR_OVERWRITE)
if not geom:
  raise RuntimeError(f"Unable to create Seis: {out_geom_name}")

# setting sampling rate

# generate geometry
status = geom.generatePRESTKGeometry(
    src_x0, src_dx, src_nx,
    src_y0, src_dy, src_ny,
    rec_x0, rec_dx, rec_nx,
    rec_y0, rec_dy, rec_ny,

if not status:
  raise RuntimeError(f"Unable to generate geometry: {out_geom_name}")

# add geometry container to treeview

# don't forget to close h5geo (hdf5) objects
del geom
del geomcnt

The model has length 3737.5m. Source geometry contains 8 sources at positions from 1500 to 2200m with 100m step. Receivers are moved along with sources (moveRec = True), that means for the first source receivers are spread from 0m to 3000m with 50m step. For the second source receivers are spread from 100m to 3100m and so on.

Geometry check

Geometry container should be added to the Seismic treeview.

First thing to do is to add sorting. As we have PRESTACK geometry then we can add SRCX sorting. For that go to the Seismic module, set active seismic at the top (one may use drag&drop from treeview), open Sorting section and double click on SRCX header. This will cause SRCX to appear in the right list. Then click Add Sorting.

After that SRCX sorted data may be loaded either as any type of mesh or loaded to table. We will load it to table and plot.

Open Load to Table section, click on combobox Select a Table->Create new Table. Most widgets become enabled. In the Sorted trace headers section set SRCX as primary key (PKey). Then click on plus button to add secondary key (SKey) and set it to GRPX and click Load sorted trace headers.

Change layout by clicking the button on the toolbar similar to this and choose one containing plot.

Go to the Plots module click Create new PlotChart. This simply creates new plot. To add data to it click Create new PlotSeries. Then click on Series tab. Set the parameters:

  • Plot type Scatter

  • Input table: Table

  • X Axis column: GRPX

  • Y Axis column: SRCX

  • Marker style: square

  • Line style: None

After some manipulations one can achieve something like that:

Colada plot geometry 2D


Loaded trace headers are also available in Tables module. But be aware that tables with n*1000 rows work slow and may greatly reduce the perfomance.

Forward Modeling

Go to the Wave Modeling module.

Physical Parameters:

  • Velocity: previously generated model_2D.h5

Field Records (Geometry):

  • File format: H5SEIS

  • Geometry: previously generated geom_2D.h5

  • PKey (Primary Key): SP

  • Source x: SRCX

  • Receiver x: GRPX

Computing Settings:

  • Computing Type: Forward Modeling

  • Set Save file prefix (shots.h5) and Output dir

  • Other settings may be changed by your choice

After settings are set something similar should be resulted:

Colada forward modeling settings


Muting is not supposed to be used with Forward Modeling.

After calculations are done we can visualize model overlayed by computed shots (first shot for example):

Colada modeled shot

Reverse Time Migration (RTM)

To compute RTM first of all we need to set previously computed shots as geometry.

Then in Computing Settings set Computing type: RTM.

Set Save file prefix as rtm.h5 and Output dir to Geo Volumes.

To achieve good results we should apply muting. Basically we should mute water layer (412.5m) and turning waves (Data mute). We will use model muting 412.5m without taper. In Mute data set mute turning. Mute t0 to 150ms (approximate wavelet length) and Mute data velocity to 1.5km/s (water velocity).

2D velocity model overlayed with RTM is shown below:

Colada rtm


In practice field data must contain only reflected waves (our data have both direct and reflected waves). Also in this example source step is too big (500m). That is why the result is not clean.

Least-Squares Reverse Time Migration (LSRTM)

To run LSRTM select true velocity model as Input. Geometry same generated shots. In Computing Settings set Save file prefix to lsrtm.h5 and Output dir to Geo Volumes. Use same mutings that were used in conventional RTM and run.

Colada rtm and lsrtm

Residual norm and other convergence attribute may be found in created lsrtm.h5 container (use HDFVIEW):

Colada lsrtm residual norm

Full Waveform Inversion (FWI)

As we know the goal of FWI is to make starting velocity model more precise. Thus we need to set smoothed velocity model model_2D_smooth as input. The geometry is the same shots that were used for RTM. And in Computing Settings we need to set Computing type: FWI. Save file prefix as fwi.h5 and Output dir to Geo Volumes. Model muting is 412.5m without taper. We will not use Data muting but in practice FWI works with turnings waves. And important thing is to turn on Replace water velocity/density. This will replace velocity (and density if present) at each iteration.

In FWI Settings set min/max velocities to 1000 and 3500 respectively.

After passing 10 iteration we may get result similar to shown below:

Colada fwi

At left is the smoothed starting model and at right - result of FWI 10th iteration.

To see the convergence we can copy values from fhistory dataset (open with HDFVIEW for example) and copy them to new table in Tables module. Then plot it.

Colada fwi convergence

Congratulations! We hope you enjoyed this tutorial.